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Siegel der Universität
Department für Chemie - Arbeitsgruppe Prof. Strey

Publikationen 2003

J. Reimer, O. Söderman, T. Sottmann, K. Kluge and R. Strey
Microstructure of alkyl glucoside microemulsions: Control of curvature by interfacial composition
Langmuir, 19 (26), 10692 (2003).

P. D. I. Fletcher and R. Strey
Surfactants, Curr. Opin. Colloid In., 8 (4-5), 315 (2003).

C. Stubenrauch, J. Schlarmann and R. Strey
A disjoining pressure study of n-dodecyl-?-D-maltoside foam films
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 4 (12), 4504 (2002 ).

P. D. I. Fletcher and R. Strey
Surfactant science
Curr. Opin. Colloid In., 7 (1-2), 1 (2002).

T. D. Lee, U. Olsson, H. Wennerström, P. Uhrmeister, B. Rathke and R. Strey
Relaxation kinetics of an L3 (sponge) phase
J. Phys. Chem. B, 106 (36), 9410 (2002).

S. Burauer, L. Belkoura, C. Stubenrauch and R. Strey
Bicontinuous microemulsions revisited: a new approach to freeze fracture electron microscopy (FFEM)
Colloid Surface A, 228 (1-3), 159 (2003).

A. Khan, C. H. Heath, U. M. Dieregsweiler, B. E. Wyslouzil and R. Strey
Homogeneous nucleation rates for D2O in a supersonic laval nozzle
J. Chem. Phys., 119 (6), 3138 (2003).

C. H. Heath, K. A. Streletzky, B. E. Wyslouzil, J. Wölk and R. Strey
Small angle neutron scattering from D2O-H2O nanodroplets and binary nucleation rates in a supersonic nozzle
J. Chem. Phys., 118 (12), 5465 (2003).

A. Fladerer and R. Strey
Growth of homogeneously nucleated water droplets: a quantitative comparison of experiment and theory
Atmos. Res., 65 (3-4), 161 (2003).